Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Notes About Rising Sea Levels in the Maldives

The stakeholders of rising sea levels in the Maldives are:
-The Maldivian government
-The Maldivian people
-Other governments around the world (Sri Lanka, India, and Australia for example.  These countries are being considered as land for the Maldivian people to relocate to.)

The possible indicators of this issue are:
-How much the sea is rising.
-How many people will be relocated.
-How much money it will cost the Maldives to relocate.

Vision Paragraph
Though it would most likely not be possible, I think that most people around the world would like to see the Maldives still be inhabitable so that the government does not have to relocate all of their people.  However, due to the sea rising more and more every year, this would not be possible.  A more realistic vision would be for the Maldivian people to easily integrate into their new culture.  According to a CNN article, the Maldivian government is considering relocating to Sri Lanka or India because of a similar culture in these countries.  I would like to see this occur, because the Maldivian people would integrate well into these countries because of their similar cultures and probably not suffer from persecution as much as if they relocated to a more exotic country.  They were also considering relocating to Australia, but I do not think that they would easily assimilate into this new environment and would probably be easily persecuted.  They would also better maintain their cultural identity if they did not move to Australia.  In my opinion, Sri Lanka and India would be the best places to migrate the Maldivian population to, due to similar cultures and a smaller distance to travel.

Systemic Thinking Map

This is the source I used to find out more about where the Maldives could relocate to:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Third Article

At the website,, I found another article that gave me more information about my topic.  According to this website, the water has risen by 4 millimeters each year.  ("Facing a rising sea, and wondering how far to step back").  The images on this website also intrigued me and I am glad that I chose this topic for my I-Search paper.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Article

I have found another article that has given me more information as far as where the inhabitants of countries affected by rising sea levels will move.  I found this article at the following website: 

Australia is being looked at as the country where these "environmental refugees" should be resettled.  By 2050, the island of Tuvalu is said to be underwater.  The Federal Government of Australia has refused two requests to resettle the residents of Tuvalu in Australia.  Australia has this responsibility of taking in these "environmental refugees" because of the low population there.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How and Why I Chose My I-Search Topic

When I found out that we had to decide on a topic for a research paper, I had no idea what to do.  I asked my dad for ideas and he brought up the subject of rising sea levels.  We had had a discussion about this earlier, so when he mentioned this idea I immediately searched on Google for an article.  When I found an article on the website,, I knew that this was a topic that would interest me.  The pictures also seemed interesting and when I realized that it fit into the three lenses that Mr. Carmichael told us about, I knew this was the right choice for me.  I am looking forward to doing further research on this topic and finding a solution to the problem of rising sea levels.